
Ratu Inoke urges party’s loyalty, SODELPA faction wants GS out

April 20, 2024 12:57 pm

Naitasiri High Chief “Turaga na Qaranivalu” Ratu Inoke Takiveikata has urged the Social Democratic Liberal Party to support the coalition government.

SODELPA Member Seremaia Tuiteci revealed to the media following his walkout that this was the message by the Qaranivalu to SODELPA at the party’s annual general meeting this morning.

Tuiteci says Ratu Inoke is the chief guest, and support for the coalition was his message to the party.

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Tuiteci says the Naitasiri paramount chief pleaded with SODELPA to follow due diligence in everything they do.

He claims the party has been under public scrutiny for some time because of certain decisions.

Tuiteci walked out as he was unhappy with the agenda being changed to allow for Aseri Radrodro’s endorsement to come first on the agenda.

“We’ve been made fun of for the last how many years because of the way GS has been acting, and I told them the Qaranivalu, who is one of the paramount chiefs of this country; he was the chief guest, and his message was support: “Me caka vadodonu na veivosaki,” support the government, that was his message, and I said the Qaranivalu just said it.”

Tuiteci also revealed an attempt to remove Viliame Takayawa as the SODELPA’s general secretary.

He says this is known to the management board as he moved it during a board meeting in February, and it’s been backed by SODELPA Youth.

The staunch SODELPA member says the issue of Radrodro took precedence at the time, and hence no discussion has been made on the motion.