
Protection of exhibits an area of weakness says Tikoduadua

February 23, 2024 7:55 am

Home Affairs Minister Pio Tikoduadua has confirmed having discussions with the Fiji Police Force regarding the recent alleged drug tampering.

Tikoduadua says the protection of exhibits is an area of weakness for the Force.

He adds that this is something that they are rebuilding.

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The Minister says at the moment they do not have the capability to dispose of large amounts of drugs.

” I’ve had a long chat with the police since that happened. One of the areas of great weakness in the past was the protection of exhibits. This is something where a lot of problems lie. We’ve learned from this example. There have been similar examples in the past. So the protection of exhibits is a big thing, and getting the moment to look after a drug of close to five tonnes is a massive responsibility, at least in that regard. The important thing is to try and dispose of it sooner rather than later.”

Meanwhile, Acting Deputy Police Commissioner Sakeo Raikaci says they are working with the Office of the Director of Public Prosecution to determine further actions to be taken about the proceeds of crime and the legality of destroying drugs.

He adds it is vital for officers to uphold integrity as many officers work diligently.

He has called for a collective approach to tackling the escalating drug problem.