
Police seize three tonnes of meth in major drug bust

January 15, 2024 10:05 am

[Source: Fiji Police Force/ Facebook]

The Fiji Police Force yesterday seized over three tonnes of illicit drugs.

The drugs were stored in 797 medium-sized containers wrapped in brown tape in a vacant house in Namaka, Nadi.

Police say this house is currently under construction.

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After testing, the preliminary results indicate that the drugs seized are methamphetamine.

[Source: Fiji Police Force/ Facebook]

Acting Commissioner of Police Juki Fong Chew says this should send a clear warning to all those trying to bring drugs into the country.

Fong Chew says this is one of the biggest seizures ever and shows that the Force is on top of things.

Fong Chew says consistent raids by the Police continue, and more drugs are being seized.

[Source: Fiji Police Force/ Facebook]

He stresses that their fight against drugs continues, and they are working to make Fiji free from drugs.

The fight continues in the form of raids, media awareness, and by Community Policing Officers in settlements and schools.

The Acting Commissioner adds that engagements with the Force’s external partners continue as part of their fight against illicit drugs.

The seized drugs are in police custody, and the investigation into the matter continues.