
Ministry to decentralize its services

January 15, 2024 4:27 pm

[File Photo]

The Ministry of Women, Children, and Social Protection is planning on decentralizing its services, ensuring greater accessibility, especially in rural and maritime areas.

Minister Lynda Tabuya says their staff is currently sharing office spaces with other stakeholders, especially in remote areas, but they are anticipating new government offices to be built soon.

Tabuya adds that this way, they will have the required facilities and resources in the areas to provide much-needed services.

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“Right now our officers are sharing in Keyasi up in Navosa; they are sharing with the police and also health one space. So as we increase the capacity in terms of physical facilities of government officers, then we can have more presence there because we don’t want to send our offices out and they have nowhere to sit where to be.”

Minister for Women, Children, and Social Protection Lynda Tabuya

Tabuya adds that these efforts signal a positive stride towards fostering inclusivity and efficiency in public service.