
Labasa businesses urged to step-up

January 2, 2024 4:17 pm

Damodar City Labasa

The opening of Damodar City Labasa has brought new challenges to businesses in Labasa, urging them to step up if they don’t want to be left behind.

Labasa Chamber of Commerce President, Vinesh Dayal, states that for businesses in the town to remain competitive, they will need to start investing in renovations.

Dayal says that the Damodar City Complex and Extra Supermarket’s Labasa branch have elevated the business environment to a whole new level.

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“Let us start renovating our shops. Let us start repainting our buildings. Let us beautify. Let us change the culture of retail in this town. We need to learn from bigger brands.”

Recently assuming the Presidency of the Chamber, Dayal says they are ready to assist businesses in every way possible.