
Kamikamica highlights Fiji's commitment

December 7, 2023 3:08 pm

[Source: Fiji Government/ Facebook]

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Trade Manoa Kamikamica received a courtesy call from the United Nations Resident Coordinator, Dirk Wagener, today.

During the meeting, they engaged in constructive discussions on the long-standing partnership between Fiji and the United Nations, emphasizing the invaluable role the UN plays not only for Fiji but also for the broader Pacific region.

The Ministry is actively collaborating with various UN agencies across key sectors, and the discussions underscored the commitment to further strengthen these collaborations.

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Kamikamica highlighted the ongoing cooperation and discussed future cooperation in vital areas such as renewable energy, agri-business, digital transformation efforts, and trade facilitation.

The ongoing digital transformation efforts were also a highlight, with discussions revolving around leveraging technology to boost economic growth, improve public services, and foster innovation.

Kamikamica expressed Fiji’s commitment to harnessing digital advancements for inclusive development.

Trade facilitation, a critical component of economic development, was part of the deliberations.

Both exchanged views on how collaboration in this area can further streamline processes, reduce barriers, and enhance Fiji’s participation in global trade.

The Deputy Prime Minister and Wagener affirmed their commitment to nurturing this partnership, recognizing its potential to drive positive change and improve the well-being of all Fijians.