
Fiji and Japan to strengthen ties

May 28, 2024 5:56 am

[Source: Ministry of itaukei Affairs/ Facebook]

Education, culture, heritage, fishing, and land boundaries were among the key topics of discussion between the Minister for iTaukei Affairs, Culture, Heritage and Arts, Ifereimi Vasu, and Japanese Ambassador to Fiji, Michi Rokuichiro, in their recent meeting.

Vasu expresses his gratitude and welcomed Ambassador Rokuichiro to his new posting in Fiji.

He emphasized that these discussions aim to support iTaukei communities, highlighting the importance of cooperation in these areas.

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[Source: Ministry of itaukei Affairs/ Facebook]

The Minister also acknowledged the Japanese government for its ongoing assistance, particularly noting support for the Centre for Appropriate Technology and Development (CATD) in Nadave, among other initiatives.

Ambassador Rokuichiro reaffirms Japan’s commitment to collaboration and discussed other potential areas of cooperation between Japan and the Ministry.

This meeting highlights the continued partnership and mutual support between Fiji and Japan in various sectors critical to the well-being and development of iTaukei communities.