
Aaron Rodgers doubles down on debunked conspiracies

January 10, 2024 10:39 am

[Source: CNN Entertainment]

Aaron Rodgers, appearing on ESPN’s “The Pat McAfee Show” for the first time since he suggested late-night host Jimmy Kimmel’s name might be among those listed in documents.

Documents that identify Jeffrey Epstein’s associates, doubled down on debunked conspiracy theories Tuesday, declining to apologize to Kimmel for his remarks.

“I said, that a lot of people, and I’m quoting myself here, ‘a lot of people — including Jimmy Kimmel — are really hoping that [list] doesn’t come out,’ end quotes, that’s what I said,” Rodgers told McAfee. “I was referring to the fact that if there is a list — which again, this hasn’t come out yet, this was just a deposition — and there are names on it, then that would be the second time that a soft brain, junior college student, you know, wacko anti-vax, anti-Semite, purveyor, spreading misinformation, conspiracy theorists, MAGA — whatever other things have been said by him and other people in the media — would be right twice.”

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McAfee appeared to side with Rodgers, calling Kimmel’s seven-minute monologue Monday night about Rodgers’ insinuation a “diatribe.”

Rodgers on Tuesday acknowledged, “how serious an allegation of pedophilia would be.”

“So, for him to be upset about that, I get it,” Rodgers said. “I’m not stupid enough … to accuse you of that with absolutely zero evidence, concrete evidence.”

Though Rodgers said he would like to put the issue “to bed, to move forward,” he suggested that the media was looking to “cancel” him.

“This is the gameplan of the media, this is what they do,” Rodgers told McAfee. “They try and cancel … it’s not just me.”

“I wish him the best. I don’t give a s— what he says about me,” Rodgers said of Kimmel. “As long as he understands what I actually said, that I’m not accusing him of being on a list and I’m all for moving forward.”

It was a baseless allegation, Kimmel said of Rodgers’ initial remarks, and he let it be known at the top of ABC’s “Jimmy Kimmel Live!” on Monday that as the Epstein list has come out, “of course, my name isn’t on it and won’t ever be on it.”

“I don’t know Jeffrey Epstein, I’ve never met Jeffrey Epstein,” Kimmel said during his first live show of the new year. “I’m not on a list. I was not on a plane or an island or anything ever, and I suggested that if Aaron wanted to make false and very damaging statements like, that we should do it in court so he can share his proof with, like, a judge.”

Kimmel went on to point out there unfortunately are some who believe the things the injured New York Jets quarterback says, even as he questioned whether Rodgers himself actually believes them.

“Either he actually believes my name was going to be on Epstein’s list – which is insane – or the more likely scenario is he doesn’t actually believe that and he just said it because he’s mad at me for making fun of his top knot and his lies about being vaccinated,” Kimmel said of the well-known vaccine skeptic.

Kimmel also shared a clip of himself making fun of Rodgers for having “floated this whacko idea” that news of recent UFO sightings aimed to distract from the Epstein list.

“The truth still matters,” Kimmel added later. “And when I do get something wrong, which happens on rare occasions, you know what I do? I apologize for it – which is what Aaron Rodgers should do, which is what a decent person would do. But I bet he won’t. If he does, you know what I’ll do? I’ll accept his apology and move on. But he probably won’t do that.”

Epstein, who died by suicide in jail in 2019, had been accused in a federal indictment of running a sex trafficking ring of underage girls, some as young as 14.

CNN has reached out to representatives for Kimmel and Rodgers for additional comment. McAfee has previously apologized for Rodgers’ claims on his show.

This story has been updated.

CNN’s Oliver Darcy contributed to this story.