
Investment Fiji and Labasa Chamber to host summit

May 16, 2024 1:14 pm

[Source: Supplied]

The inaugural Innovation and Entrepreneurship Summit is scheduled to take place this Saturday in Labasa.

This event has been made possible through a partnership between the Labasa Chamber of Commerce & Industry and Investment Fiji.

A statement released this afternoon states that this move signifies a new chapter for Labasa’s business landscape as it brings together stakeholders from various sectors for the first time.

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The summit’s primary objective is to ignite a spirit of collaboration while acknowledging the Labasa town’s evolving business environment and growing demands.

Investment Fiji CEO Kamal Cheety says the summit will provide a crucial platform for open dialogue and collaboration.

He states that by working together, businesses can address bottlenecks hindering economic activity and cultivate a more confident business environment in Labasa.

Kamal adds that the summit will serve as an ideal platform to address areas in need of improvement.

Through a series of panel discussions and interactive sessions, the summit will delve into key areas critical to Labasa’s economy. These include the microeconomic landscape, potential for growth, infrastructure needs and diversification of the economic base.