
We are on the cusp of a new dawn: President

May 29, 2023 11:39 am

As a nation, people and a generation we are on a cusp of a new dawn says President Ratu Wiliame Katonivere.

Speaking at Albert Park in Suva this morning, Ratu Wiliame highlighted that Fijians celebrated the Girmit Day earlier in the month, the opening of Great Council of Chiefs meeting last week and now we are marking the Ratu Sukuna day.

He says these three significant occasions are being revived after more than a decade which is an indication of the winds of change we are to embrace.

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Tomorrow will be 70 years since the passing of Ratu Sir Lala Sukuna.

Ratu Wiliame says for the last seven days Fijians have witnessed the rebirth of Ratu Sukuna’s legacy, adding there was passion among Fijians who remembered him and those who learned about him for the first time.

He further states Ratu Sukuna was known as the man of two worlds, one as a prominent chief and another as the first among equals of the Fijian cadre in the British Administration.

“The majority of the Fijians were not privileged to have met the late statesman, yet every Fijian has been affected one way or another by his influence in the establishment of the Great Council of Chiefs, matters of the land, legislation and multiculturism to name a few.”

Ratu Wiliame says last week while opening the Great Council of Chiefs meeting he challenged the chiefs that should we want a better Fiji to remain relevant in these times, it is only appropriate that the younger generation is groomed in the iTaukei protocol, leadership and all the mannerism befitting a servant leader.

The President says Ratu Sukuna stands widely respected and admired as an outstanding leader.