
UniFiji reaches another milestone

April 12, 2024 2:03 pm

The University of Fiji reached another milestone today with the launch of its Royal Society of Arts Junior Fellows Programme.

Under the program five students of the University have been awarded with the Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce, commonly known as the RSA.

The fundraising event to support the Junior Fellows was hosted for the University by the British High Commissioner Dr Brian Jones in Suva.

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The RSA is a unique British global organization whose Fellows are a group of change-makers enabling people, places and the planet to flourish in harmony.

Several Fellows of the RSA attended the function to support the University of Fiji initiative.

Speaking from London RSA Chief Executive, Andy Haldane congratulated the University and expressed interest in working with the young people nominated for the Fellows title.

The new Junior Fellows are University of Fiji School of Law students, Peniasi Ciri; Adi Unaisi Vuidama; Shafeen Ahmed and Sisikeleila Tuvatuva, and School of Science and Technology student, Pranav Prasad.

The students were selected from a competition where they were asked to submit a 500-word essay on how their proposed innovations will facilitate the RSA Design for Life mission.

University of Fiji Vice Chancellor, Professor Shaista Shameem says the students who have been selected are honoured as they join a long list of illustrious Fellows, all of them prominent inventors, social reformers, scientists and philosophers of their times who have changed the world for the better.