
Proper water system is vital says Maharaj

February 11, 2024 4:03 pm

Foundation's Executive, Neil Maharaj

The Rotary Pacific Water for Life Foundation believes that a large number of rural families do not have access to adequate water systems or washroom facilities.

According to the Foundation’s Executive, Neil Maharaj, the data they have collected through ten-year research highlights the vital need to relook at the strategies.

Maharaj asserts that the absence of proper sanitation poses immediate health hazards.

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“Also, what we have realized is that when you go to a rural community, say, for example, 100 houses, we find that only 20 or 10 or 30 houses will actually have a proper water system and a washroom.”

Minister for Rural and Maritime Development Sakiasi Ditoka reiterates the coalition government’s stance on providing people in rural areas access to clean drinking water and proper sanitation.

[Minister for Rural and Maritime Development Sakiasi Ditoka]

“Governments want to provide all members of our country with good, clean portable drinking water, which I think is also one of the SDG goals that Fiji has signed up to.”

The Rotary Pacific Water for Life Foundation stands ready to work with the government to ensure a brighter and healthier future for rural communities.