
Minister sought approval to transport father's ashes

March 13, 2024 6:46 am

Agriculture Minister Vatimi Rayalu

Agriculture Minister Vatimi Rayalu clarified in parliament that he obtained approval from Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka before transporting his father’s ashes on a government vessel.

Rayalu was responding to a question from Opposition MP Ketan Lal, who inquired about the appropriateness of a Minister using a government vessel to transport ashes to the Lau Group.

Rayalu emphasizes that he sought approval from the PM not only for the official trip but also for carrying his father’s ashes.

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He urged Lal to ensure he has all the facts before attempting to mislead the parliament.

“Talk is cheap. Right? Anyone can say whatever they want. Right? But, you need to put your facts right. Madam Speaker, I’m asking him to look around, because within your ranks you have people who can teach you. Teach you about decorum in this Parliament, teach you about respect, teach you about manners in this house.”

Rayalu claims the Opposition members are obsessed with political instability.