
Parents risk lives for pregnant daughter and grandson

February 25, 2016 12:19 am

The saying, there is no love like that of a mother and father, rang true for the Taranabogica family at the height of severe tropical cyclone Winston.

Village headman Ilaitia Taranabogica says it was a destructive long three hours trying to stay steady from the strong winds.

During the ordeal, Ilaitia and his wife had to risk their lives for their grandson and daughter’s life who is heavily pregnant.

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‘’We used a strong wire to tie the house down but when the winds started to get strong the wires broke and the walls of the house started flying off so we ran to the bedroom and told my daughter and, my grandson to hide under the bed and we held and pressed on to the bed to make sure our daughter and grandson were not harmed’’.

This is the third massive cyclone he’s encountered, however Tropical Cyclone Winston has been seen as the Monster taking everything with it and uprooting all plants and their vegetation.

Thirty-houses out of thirty-three in Neilega village have been destroyed.

Villagers of Neilega and others along the Wainibuka corridor have been advised to clean up and wait for assessments to be conducted.