[Source: Ministry of Health & Medical Services - Fiji/ Facebook]
Thirty members of the Nailega Village Youth Group in Wainibuka have started their week by carrying out minor works at the Nasavu Nursing Station in the interior of Ra.
The group travelled to Nasavu over the weekend to spend five days renovating the nursing station, which caters to a population of over 2000.
The youth group will voluntarily carry out renovation at the nursing station and the nurses’ quarters.
They are expected to complete the project by tomorrow.
[Source: Ministry of Health & Medical Services – Fiji/ Facebook]
Staff Nurse Erima Marama, who has been serving at the nursing station for over two years, was emotional yesterday morning seeing the youths doing their work.
The youths include certified carpenters, electricians, and mechanics who are unemployed but happy to give something back to the community.
They supplied their tools and expertise, while the Ministry of Health and Medical Services supplied the minor work materials and their meals.