
NZ PM praises Fiji's tourism growth

June 10, 2024 6:44 am

New Zealand Prime Minister Christopher Luxon has lauded Fiji’s remarkable achievements in the tourism sector, highlighting its swift recovery and growth beyond pre-COVID levels.

Speaking to FBC News, Luxon, who has a background in the New Zealand tourism industry, expressed his admiration for Fiji’s successful marketing and promotion strategies, as well as its world-class tourism assets.

Luxon says while there is rapid growth, the Fijian tourism industry is facing challenges, particularly in terms of hotel capacity to match the increasing airline capacity.

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“I met with the tourism industry, and the challenges they’re dealing with are related to growth, such as ensuring there’s enough hotel capacity. There seems to be a lot more airline capacity than hotel capacity when people arrive here.”

Luxon says it’s exciting to see Fijian and New Zealand businesses coming together to build more rooms to cater to the demand.

“We want to have Fijian investment in New Zealand and New Zealand investment in Fiji. The two countries have fantastic futures and great potential. It’s been awesome to meet business people on both sides who are collaborating and working together to build out the proposition and further growth for Fiji.”

Luxon also highlighted a joint venture between the Fijian National Provident Fund (FNPF), Fijian Holdings, and New Zealand construction firm Fletcher Higgins, which has been operational in Fiji for a long time and employs 900 workers and this collaboration aims to build more hotels to accommodate the growing number of tourists.

Fiji and New Zealand have mutual investment cooperation which will augur well in the future for both nations.