
MOE to change the work culture of entire education system

November 28, 2014 4:15 am

The education ministry had one of the highest allocations in the national budget is working towards changing the work culture of the entire education system in 2015.

Minister for education Dr. Mahendra Reddy says standardizing the education system will discourage parents from choosing a particular school for their children.

“Once we have the same infrastructure, same exam paper, teachers with same qualifications then all schools would be at the same level. There should not be any reason why students or parents will choose to send their child to another school’’.

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One of the major changes expected next year is re-evaluation of school teachers’ work.

“We are looking at redefining and reclaiming our teachers into teaching and learning and assessment the admin work will be transferred away from them to admin officers and the head teachers and principals. We will get all our head teachers and principals away from teaching responsibilities so that full time on school admin work which is
taken away from the teachers’’.

There are also plans to increase resources to smaller schools in the rural areas and maritime zones so that they have the same standards as schools in urban areas.

The education ministry is planning to standardize the curriculum, teachers and infrastructure by the end of next year.