
Minister tours Mua Solar Farm

January 24, 2024 9:52 am

[Source: Fiji Government/ Facebook]

The Mua Solar Farm project on Taveuni, anticipated to provide additional electricity to the grid on the island, is near completion.

Minister for Rural and Maritime Development Sakiasi Ditoka toured the project site yesterday.

The initiative is sponsored by the Korean International Cooperation Agency in collaboration with the Fiji Government through the Energy Fiji Limited.

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Ditoka has commended KOICA for the initiative.

“I think they’ll probably be ready to provide additional electricity to the grid. So this one is ready to go. And we are thankful to KOICA and thankful to EFL for getting this ready.”

[Source: Fiji Government/ Facebook]

It has a total of 2880 solar panels, with each panel producing 370 watts of electricity.

Ditoka also visited Hydro Taveuni Pte Limited as a part of this tour.