
Minister confirms report of inadequate handling of complaints

May 22, 2024 6:39 am

Home Affairs Minister Pio Tikoduadua confirms that reports are being received against police officers from various divisions who are not performing their duties as expected, particularly in registering complaints from Fijians.

He highlighted this in response to concerns raised by citizens about the shortfalls in the police’s handling of their issues.

Tikoduadua acknowledges that the police need to work on this area and ensure that Fijians are informed about the progress of their cases.

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The Home Affairs Minister calls on police officers to improve their response times.

“Similar issues have popped up in the recent past, but I would like to reassure you that the police are continually trying to get this improved. But if people continually feel that this is not happening, there is always a process to follow through.”

Tikoduadua also emphasizes the importance of professionalism among officers and the need to effectively address public concerns.

Meanwhile, Acting Police Commissioner Juki Fong Chew reiterates the need to take all reports seriously.

“All matters reported must be taken down, and the complainant advised accordingly whether it is a criminal or civil matter, as we understand that some complaints of inaction arise from our failure to properly advise complainants. This is an issue that we are addressing with middle managers and those holding supervisory roles to strictly monitor.”

Chew adds that initial responses to complaints and the handling of reports are constantly being reminded to all police officers, irrespective of rank, and the importance of being professional at all times.