
LTA cracks down on habitual offenders

September 26, 2023 6:24 am

[File Photo]

Over 2800 habitual offenders have consistently disregarded traffic regulations, posing significant risks to public safety.

Land Transport Authority Acting Chief Executive, Irimaia Rokosawa confirms 2,805 offenders have been called for a meeting to justify their license retention or avoid suspension.

Rokosawa says that about 2, 173 drivers were given warning letters, while about 284 drivers were counseled.

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He says they are cracking down on drivers who continuously break road rules in response to the recent increase in road accidents.

“28 were given final warnings, close to eight had their licenses suspended and 7 had their licenses cancelled so those who were suspended were between six months to one year but the seven cancelled and should they wanna be interested again in getting hold of a driver license, they have to start from the scratch.”

Rokosawa says LTA aims to address the issue at its root cause and discourage reckless behaviour on the roads.

“In terms of repetitive offenders, they are show-caused. Also while we are targeting full licenses, we are doing another analysis on learners, provisional and those who just got their full licenses in the first-year and second-year categories. “

The LTA has been analyzing the issuance of traffic violation notices, whether by the authority or the police Force, and categorizing the types of traffic offences.

The primary emphasis is on speeding, reckless driving, and irresponsible and improper use of mobile devices.