
Legislation restores labour rights: Singh

November 28, 2023 4:40 pm

[File Photo]

The Employment Relations Amendment Act 2023 will restore labour rights for workers and comply with formal obligations under the International Labour Organization.

This has been highlighted by the Minister for Employment, Agni Deo Singh, marking the beginning of the work that the government seeks to carry out in order to upgrade Fiji’s compliance level as a signatory to the ILO.

According to the Minister, in 2011, the interim regime decided to expand Fiji’s Essential Services List by including those from government entities and municipalities, which was a breach of the ILO Convention of 87 and 98.

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“Where it is clearly stipulated that the freedom of association, the freedom to organize, the freedom to demonstrate, and the right to strike are all there for the non-essential services, and the expanded lists had numerous non-essential services”

Also part of the amendment is the act to increase the time limit for workers in essential service to lodge or file an employment grievance from 21 days to six months, the date on which a grievance first arose.