
ITLTB returns to its roots to serve landowners

February 27, 2024 6:28 am

[File Photo]

Itaukei Land Trust Board (TLTB) Chief Executive Solomoni Nata has shed light on the organization’s journey towards redefining its role from being perceived as a distant entity to becoming an indispensable ally for Itaukei landowners.

Nata while speaking on Radio Fiji One’s Itaukei programme emphasized the imperative for TLTB to reconnect with its foundational mission and actively engage in serving the people.

Historically, Nata revealed that TLTB had operated in a manner that often led to friction with landowners, rather than fostering collaboration and support.

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Recognizing this discrepancy, the organization is undergoing policy reforms to rectify past shortcomings and realign its strategies with the needs of the community.

“To achieve this, they have invited paramount chiefs to the TLTB office to reiterate its purpose and responsibilities. I know the importance of visiting all paramount chiefs before reaching out to districts across the country. This will change the perspective of landowners regarding the TLTB. We have to go down to them.”

As part of their proactive measures, TLTB has extended invitations to key figures such as Ratu Naiqama Lalabavu, the current Speaker of Parliament and

Turaga na Tui Cakau, to discuss collaborative initiatives and the benefits TLTB intends to provide for landowners.

This concerted effort aims to bridge the gap between TLTB and the Itaukei landowners, fostering a renewed sense of trust and cooperation.

Nata affirmed that the primary focus of these initiatives is to uphold TLTB’s core responsibility of safeguarding the welfare and prosperity of Itaukei landowners.

By revisiting its roots and prioritizing direct engagement with communities, TLTB endeavours to solidify its position as a vital support system for the people it serves.