
Implementation of National Action Plan a concern: Rakuita

November 28, 2023 6:52 am

Fiji is fortunate in a way that is progressive and quite advanced in addressing gender-based violence not just focusing on response mechanisms like crisis centres, prosecutions, or the court system but starting to now put a lot of focus on prevention work.

This has been highlighted by the Principal Strategic Lead for Pacific Women and Girls Mereseini Rakuita following the launch of the National Action Plan earlier this year.

She adds its implementation which we need to closely look into and start taking ownership of at every level of society and every person and community.

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“I would like to acknowledge the ministry of women, the Minister for Women, for launching this year’s action national plan for prevention against girls and women. Now it’s for us; now it’s pointing at 13 sectors in our country. We all need to work together; everybody has a role to play, whether it’s the judiciary, religious groups, or education sector. Everybody has a role to play.”

Rakuita adds that working together will help us see some change in preventing violence against women and girls in our country, which is where the biggest gaps exist.