
GCC meeting fully funded by Itaukei Trust Fund

February 28, 2024 6:40 am

The Great Council of Chiefs meeting today will not utilize any taxpayer fund, as it will be fully covered by the Ministry of Itaukei Affairs’ business arm, the Itaukei Trust Fund.

This information was disclosed by Minister Ifereimi Vasu while briefing the media on the two-day meeting, which will commence at the Lagoon Resort in Pacific Harbour this morning.

Vasu says the total cost utilized by the Itaukei Trust Fund is over $190,000.

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“I am pleased to announce that the iTaukei Trust Fund will fund the two-day meeting. And I want to emphasize that no taxpayers’ money will be used for this event.’

The primary agenda of the meeting will include the appointment of the new chair and vice-chair, who will be able to lead the GCC for a maximum of two terms.

“A pivotal moment of the meeting will be the election of a new Chairperson and Vice Chairperson by the Members of the GCC. These leaders will hold office for three years, steering the council through its renewed mandate with wisdom, foresight, and a deep commitment to the welfare of the iTaukei people.’

However, other meeting agendas have yet to be disclosed, as the meeting will be closed to the media.

The Great Council of Chiefs meeting will begin with a traditional welcoming ceremony at 10 am today before the meeting commences after lunch.