
Foreign Minister acknowledges President for his services

September 21, 2015 5:25 am

Foreign Minister Ratu Inoke Kubuabola has acknowledged the services of President Ratu Epeli Nailatikau in parliament today.

Ratu Inoke says Ratu Epeli’s term as a President was one of the most difficult and testing for six years.

‘’As a soldier, military commander, diplomat and senior civil servant, cabinet minister, and speaker to the parliament – his Excellency has always put the needs of the Fiji before his own. He never lost the common touch with the Fijian people – he so dutifully served in high office’’.

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Ratu Inoke says the Presidents advocacy work for HIV/AIDS awareness is known through-out Fiji and the world.

Ratu Epeli’s term as the President of Fiji ends next month.