
Follow court order, says former AG

September 13, 2023 4:21 pm

Former Attorney General Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum says the coalition government needs to follow court orders.

Former Attorney General Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum says the coalition government needs to follow court orders.

Sayed-Khaiyum was answering inquiries about the current scandal at Grace Road Group.

He claims that in 2018, a stop order for any exits of Grace Road workers was granted by the Fiji court.

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The former AG claims that the FijiFirst administration always complies with judicial orders.

“The Fijian courts had said that there should be a stop order on any of their departures. There was a court order, you need to follow court order, this government needs to follow court orders.”

He says the matter is now with the court, and he will not discuss anything further.

Sayed-Khaiyum adds that although Fiji has its own procedure, the Interpol red notice is still just that.

He says a red notice does not always include grabbing people and sending them away.

Meanwhile, Grace Road Group this morning is seeking answers from Home Affairs Minister Pio Tikoduadua.

The group claims they are not a cult, as said by Tikoduadua.

It also says they have faithfully submitted information for the ongoing investigation by the government into Grace Road.

The company also claims that their president, Daniel Kim, was detained after questioning the minister about his use of the word cult to label them.

It further claims that a key executive has been barred from traveling to Fiji, although there is no criminal record against her.

Grace Road is also seeking the minister’s stance on where he stands, as they claim that on the one hand he is saying he is grateful to the church and group while on the other hand he is insulting them as cults.