
Finance Minister promises increased support for NCD and domestic violence

June 19, 2023 6:43 am

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Professor Biman Prasad

The government is expected to increase financial support to tackle non-communicable diseases and the ever-increasing statistics on domestic violence.

The scourge of these two issues is one of many that the Pacific region, including Fiji, is regressing on.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Professor Biman Prasad says the coalition government is therefore making it its business to deal with the issue.

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Professor Prasad says these two issues will also be part of the upcoming national budget.

“As a government, we want to make sure that we provide adequate resources to give effect to those plans, and we will be announcing some of that support in the national budget, which I will announce on the 30th of June.”

Professor Prasad says this issue needs to be addressed urgently as it also affects socio-economic activities in communities.

The 2023–2024 National Budget will be announced by the Minister of Finance on June 30th at 10 am.