
Fiji supports fight against chemical weapons

March 12, 2024 12:09 pm

The Fijian government is committed to supporting the pursuit of a region free of chemical weapons, acknowledging the ever-increasing and emerging threats that ultimately affect peace and security.

This has been highlighted by the Permanent Secretary for Home Affairs and Immigration, Mason Smith, during the Pacific Island Sub Regional Workshop on Advancing Chemical Weapons Convention Implementation Legislation.

Smith emphasizes the importance of implementing national measures to prevent chemical incidents.

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“As member states of the Chemical Weapons Convention, it is imperative that we recognize and understand the importance of putting in place national mechanisms that effectively address the elimination of chemical incidents, I would also like to assure you all of the full support of the Fijian Government towards this Sub-regional meeting and the pursuit for a region free of chemical weapons.”

Smith also highlights the government’s role in helping Pacific nations develop legislation for the Convention and promoting its adoption nationally.