Witness Mitieli Cama in court today
A witness in the case of an alleged murder at sea was accused of lying in court this morning by the defense lawyer.
Witness Mitieli Cama was giving evidence in the case against Tevita Kapawale, who allegedly killed five crew members onboard the FV Tiro 2 on May 18, 2021, along the Mamanuca-Yasawa waters following a heated exchange between crew members.
Cama’s testimony in court this morning was challenged during cross-examination, with the defense lawyer accusing him of lying, a claim that he vehemently disputed.
Tevita Kapawale [File Photo]
The witness is one of only two survivors of the alleged horrific incident at sea, apart from Kapawale.
He told the court he did not witness Kapawale assaulting anyone but saw the accused standing over one of the crew members while another crew member held his chest.
The witness also revealed that he initially told the court he had taken fish to the fish hold and was instructed by Kapawale to remain inside.
He further stated in court that Kapawale threatened to kill him if he ventured outside. He then denied opening the seacock, which is believed to have ultimately contributed to the sinking of the vessel.
Cama also provided contradictory statements regarding the bilge pump. He initially stated that they have the pump, but later testified that the pump was not on board, necessitating the use of a bucket to remove the accumulating water.
Cama possesses over two decades of experience working on fishing vessels.
He confirmed to the court that he remained confined within the fish hold for more than 30 hours.
When asked if he experienced cold during this period, Cama stated he was not situated in the immediate vicinity of the fish, but rather in a warmer compartment within the hold.
The trial is scheduled to resume this afternoon.