
17 FijiFirst members remain as MP’s

June 5, 2024 1:55 pm

The 17 FijiFirst Members of Parliament who were terminated by the party last week, will remain MPs until further notice.

It has been confirmed the party has received a letter from Speaker of Parliament Ratu Naiqama Lalabalavu, stating he will not take any action as he is waiting for legal advice from Solicitor General, Ropate Green.

FBC News has spoken to three out of the 17 members who have confirmed the same.

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Opposition MP Jone Usamate has released a statement confirming that the Speaker has written to them advising that he has decided to seek legal advice , and whilst his office is awaiting the legal advice, the 17 members will continue with the Parliamentary duties.

Sixteen MP’s had voted in favor of the Emoluments Committee report which recommended increasing salaries and allowances for MPs.

The MPs are Mosese Bulitavu, Sanjay Kirpal, Semi Koroilavesau, Shalen Kumar, Virendra Lal, Ioane Naivalurua, Sachida Nand, Vijay Nath, Viliame Naupoto, Ratu Josaia Niudamu, Penioni Ravunawa, Taito Rokomatu, Inia Seruiratu, Alipate Tuicolo, Naisa Tuinaceva and Jone Usamate.

Also terminated was Alvick Maharaj who was part of the Emoluments Committee.

We have asked for a comment from FijiFirst Acting General Secretary, Faiyaz Koya, who says he cannot comment yet.

According to section 63(h) of the Constitution, the seat of a Member of Parliament becomes vacant if the member votes or abstains from voting in Parliament contrary to any direction issued by the political party for which he or she was a candidate at the time he or she was elected to Parliament, without obtaining the prior permission of the political party.