
120 attend mind lecture

December 28, 2015 4:06 am

About one hundred and twenty students from around Fiji took part in a three day event aimed at capacity building and upskilling.

The Christian Mind Lecture is run by the International Youth Fellowship which works of empowering young people to better handle their lives.

International Youth Fellowship Camp coordinator Marica Nakavadra says sharing is a good coping strategy and also helps better understand the challenges they face.

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The Fellowship included a series of talks on issues which are commonly faced by young people.

The International Youth Fellowship may be a church organisation, but its lectures are always designed to identify social issues – drug abuse, alcohol abuse, peer pressure and sexually transmitted infections among others.

The theme for this year is “Navigating Your Heart” which encourages participants to share the difficulties they are facing, to ensure they get help from their elders.

The mind lecture ends tonight.