
Track revamp into final stages

January 5, 2024 4:17 pm

The restoration works on the HFC Bank Stadium synthetic tracks are now into the final stages.

Sphynx Solutions Pte Limited is carrying out the project and founder and Technical Lead Peter King says the 10-member team of labourers have been working throughout the festive season to ensure the upgrade is completed by the end of this month.

“The top layer was completed on second of Jan, we pushed through Christmas and Boxing Day, got a day off on New Year’s Day than came back on the 2nd and completed the last 80 meters.”

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King says he is awaiting the arrival of the line marker from London to mark the tracks before it can be accredited by World Athletics.

“It will take two days to survey and do his marking and his reference points so altogether it will be four days.”

The company founder says he hopes to complete the upgrade by January 26th, before handing the project back to the Fiji Sports Council.