
Village leaders to prioritize family values: Tubuna

April 12, 2024 12:41 pm

[Source: Fiji Government/ Facebook]

There is a need for a collective vigilance and community involvement in addressing social issues such as drug abuse.

This was highlighted by Assistant Minister in the Office of the Prime Minister, Sakiusa Tubuna while opening Ra Provincial Council Meeting in Nanukuloa, Ra yesterday.

Tubuna highlights the pivotal role of the family unit in encouraging resilience against challenges and urges village leaders to prioritize family values and instill them in the younger generation.

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[Source: Fiji Government/ Facebook]

Acknowledging the strength in unity within Ra Province, Tubuna commended the proactive attitude of its representatives.

Addressing concerns about drug-related issues, Tubuna advocated for diversification into alternative crops to ensure regular income and combat drug infiltration in villages.

[Source: Fiji Government/ Facebook]

“Let’s consider sustainable crops for reliable income instead of relying solely on seasonal produce. We need to inform our villages to utilise local resources for livelihood, rather than migrating to cities. We need to be on guard; Government cannot do it alone – we need to work together, hand in hand. Encourage healthy communal lifestyles in your communities, build on your positive relationships, and communicate with each other about your difficulties.”

Recognizing the need for transparency and youth empowerment, Tubuna called for effective dissemination of information shared at the provincial council meetings to reach villagers.

[Source: Fiji Government/ Facebook]

He highlighted the importance of education and entrepreneurship in driving sustainable progress.

Highlighting government support for grassroots initiatives, Tubuna reiterated the message of unity and collaboration, emphasizing that together, Ra Province can overcome challenges and achieve sustainable development.

The Ra Provincial Council meeting is currently underway.