
Village guideline under review

September 21, 2023 12:01 pm

Permanent Secretary Pita Tagicakirewa

The Ministry of iTaukei Affairs is working on reviewing the village guideline program to ensure the stability of iTaukei’s wellbeing, economic viability, and the livelihood of communities.

Permanent Secretary Pita Tagicakirewa says the guideline is subject to review to ensure its adaptability to emerging issues faced by the iTaukei communities.

Tagicakirewa emphasizes that the revised guidelines will identify the prevalent issues, challenges, gaps, and community needs.

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He reiterates the pressing need to reintroduce village bylaws within the province.

[Village guidelines review committee] 

“Something significant that has come out of the GCC consultation is that every province now wants the village bylaws brought back. Our position is that we are developing the guidelines first, and that is where we are at the moment.”

Former Roko Tui Lau Peni Sokia, who is also a member of the guideline review committee, believes this program holds the potential to empower and sustain iTaukei villagers.