
TSLS receives over 4, 500 scholarship applications

January 10, 2024 6:45 am

The Tertiary Scholarships and Loans Service has received over 4,500 scholarship applications since the online portal opened on December 15th.

According to Chief Executive Hasmukh Lal, 4,203 applications have progressed to step two, and 313 applicants are now in stage three.

Stage three applications mean they are ready for processing.

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Lal says students with scholarship prospects are eagerly awaiting their exam results, which are expected to be released next week.

“Once they get their Year 13 results, then they will get their final offer letter from the preferred universities. Once the results are uploaded with the final offer letter from the University, they will move to Stage Three, which means they have completed their application. Once they have completed their application – then the processing will start.”

Lal emphasizes that much depends on the exam results and university offer letters.

“The final decision will be once they get their final offer letter, from the University, whether they will be given admission to the program or not. This all depends on once they get their Year 13 results and upload them on the system in terms of what program they want to pursue. At the moment they are showing interest, but the final confirmation will come once they get the final offer letter from the University where they have to study.”

The online application for Academic Term 1 will close on February 2nd.

The government has set aside $55.5m in this financial year for new scholarships.