
Regional partnerships important

February 25, 2024 4:45 pm

[File Photo]

The Australian Security Forces are working with Pacific Island countries through a multilateral agreement to protect against the threat of drug scourges and cartels.

Detective Superintendent of the Australian Federal Police, Adrian Morton, says this also includes counterterrorism and other shared security threats in the region.

He adds that discussions are also underway to combine security efforts and establish new partnerships to assist in keeping the region safe.

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The Detective Superintendent of the Australian Federal Police says Fiji needs to build frameworks that include the views of the people.

“This has to be Fiji’s framework; I think it has to be built but influenced from outside for ideas, but it will be what suits Fiji. If you look at Australia’s framework, it’s a holistic approach across all levels of government, but it also incorporates elements from the community.”

Morton adds that the Australian security forces are happy to provide their assistance to combat the drug problems in the region, particularly Fiji.

“All I can say is that Australia is here to partner with Fiji, and to combat these threats, the AFP, along with other border agencies like the Australian Border.”

Force, is now embedded in Fiji, and we are working together on these common problems that we have. It’s not just for one country; it’s for the Pacific region.

The three-day workshop ended on Friday, where the PS highlighted that he hopes to take the finalized draft to Cabinet for approval, which will provide direction to the stakeholders on various aspects of transnational crimes.