
Police step up operations for Fiji Finals

April 29, 2024 12:45 pm

With a few more days remaining for one of the major sporting activities, the Police Force has implemented a new strategy to tackle concerns about students’ behaviours.

Concerns have been raised recently on student behavior and the Police Force is aiming to change this.

Police Chief Operations, ACP Livai Driu says their officers are now directly engaging with students of prominent schools to promote respectful and lawful behaviour during the Fiji Finals.

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‘“We have identified some of our senior officers to go back to their schools and talk to the students and when they come to Suva they must behave and follow the rules. When they come to Suva we are here to protect them. We will also visit their accommodation.”

ACP Driu says they will not only increase their visibility but will also increase their traffic operations.

The Police Chief of Operations will be meeting with the Fiji Bus Operators Association this week to iron out issues raised previously.