
Navakavu contributes to National Development Plan

February 20, 2024 12:26 pm

The Navakavu tribe, encompassing five villages and seven clans along the Suva to Lami corridor has proactively advanced in the completion of their strategic development plan 2024-2028.

The Yavusa members today unanimously voted to submit their Navakavu blue economic sustainable development plan and cabinet paper to be accepted by the government’s National Development Plan during a consultation with the Ministry of Finance today at the Muaivuso Village Hall.

Yavusa Navakavu member Uraia Rabakele says they have submitted their plans to the cabinet.

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“We have worked alongside with the Ministry of Rural and Maritime Development in drafting our cabinet paper and now it’s with the government, the reason why we have come up with this development plan is to basically reduce the negative impacts of urbanization in the Lami Town to Navua corridor and develop other empty land area this side.”

The National development plan includes development for the Lami Town – Veisari growth corridor which includes Draunibota Bay and West Suva Habour coastal areas where the 5 villages of Yavusa Navakavu and coastal villages are located.

This project will contribute to sustainable resource use and environmental protection, serving as a foundation for the development of the Yavusa Navakavu.

It will also address the root causes of coastal poverty by diversifying local livelihoods through ecosystem-based approaches.