
MoE focuses on enhancing student’s development

February 8, 2024 8:42 am

The Ministry of Education reveals that its Training Unit is working on alternative options to deal with students’ indiscipline issues and help their educational development.

Permanent Secretary Selina Kuruleca says this includes enhancing interactive learning and teaching methods and open communication with parents and teachers.

Kuruleca highlights that while there are certain overfilled classrooms, this tends to impact teachers’ ability to manage students.

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“We just need to get our children engaged in other activities. Not all of our children are academically gifted. This is okay, but we need to give them a viable alternative. And that, of course, will also help instil discipline. We all know, and an idle mind is the devil’s workshop so we have to keep the mind engaged.”

Kuruleca adds that they work closely with stakeholders to bolster effective classroom management strategies.