Tourism in Fiji continues its recovery, with January seeing a 4.2 percent increase in visitor arrivals compared to the same period last year.
However, a 15.1 percent decrease compared to December 2023 highlights the ongoing impact of seasonality on the industry.
In 2023 and 2022, visitor arrivals for January stood at 67,502 and 16,502 respectively.
According to the Fiji Bureau of Statistics, a total of 70,324 visitors arrived in January, with 70,191 coming by air and 133 by sea.
This represents a significant improvement compared to the pre-pandemic era, with visitor arrivals 7.6 percent higher than January 2020.
For January this year, visitors arriving for holiday purposes accounted for 79.1 percent of total arrivals, 5.6 percent came to visit their friends or relatives, 1.7 percent came for business purposes, while 13.6 percent visited Fiji for other reasons.
The highest number of visitors came from Fiji traditional tourism markets with 34671 coming from Australia and 14834 coming from New Zealand followed by USA, China, Europe, Canada and Great Britain.