
Enhanced collaboration among iTaukei institutions

February 26, 2024 7:21 am

It has been observed that iTaukei institutions have begun collaborating more effectively, marking a departure from past practices.

This was revealed by iTaukei Land Trust Board Chief Executive Solomoni Nata while speaking on Radio Fiji One.

Nata says historically, iTaukei institutions, including the iTaukei Land Trust Board, the Ministry, and Fijian Holdings Limited, operated independently adversely affecting iTaukei communities, including landowners.

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“In previous years, I can say that we hardly worked together and this is something that greatly affects the iTaukei, especially the ones that utilize our services. We have seen that everything comes together when we work together because the iTaukei community is commonly known for solesolevaki.”

However, Nata noted that since last year, these institutions have started working together, which has facilitated smoother handling of iTaukei-related issues.

This collaborative approach has led to initiatives such as iTaukei involvement in the business sector and advancements in education, among other areas of focus.