
Habeas Corpus battle continues in Kim’s case

September 18, 2023 12:24 pm

Daniel Kim.

The Lautoka High Court today granted the defence more time to file further materials in regards to their application of Habeas Corpus for Grace Road Fiji’s President, Daniel Kim.

The legal proceedings saw intense arguments and delays as the defence counsel sought more time to prepare.

The defence team, led by Kings Counsel Simon Ower of the Victorian Bar of Melbourne, along with Ronald Gordon, Nilesh Prasad and Wasu Pillay, successfully secured an extension from the court, which will now be on the 29th of this month.

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Ower also informed the court that they would be arguing a strike-out application in the coming week.

However, Solicitor General Ropate Green Lomavatu expressed his dissatisfaction with the defence’s request for more time.

He pointed out that the initial plan was to argue the writ of Habeas Corpus today.

The SG told the court that Habeas Corpus basically means producing “the body” which they have done in order to assess the legality of that person’s detention

Lomavatu reminded the court that it was the defence that had pushed for an earlier response, only to now seek additional time.

Notably, the writ of Habeas Corpus, initially intended for multiple plaintiffs, will now solely pertain to Daniel Kim.

This development comes as other plaintiffs, including Sung Jin Lee, Nam Suk Choi, and Jin Sook Yoon, have been released from custody.

The third and fourth plaintiffs, Beomseop Shin and Byeongjoon Lee, have returned to their home country.

The case is scheduled to reconvene for a judicial review at 12pm.

Supporters of Daniel Kim gathered outside the court, holding placards that read “Justice for Kim” and wearing matching white T-shirts.

The strong police presence at the court underlined the significance of the proceedings.

As Daniel Kim was escorted out in a police vehicle, those who gathered waved flags, showing their continued support.