
Cabinet will make the final decision: AG

May 28, 2023 12:27 pm

Dealing with iTaukei owned resources was one of the key focus of the Great Council of Chiefs meeting.

Attorney General, Siromi Turaga says this was also on the GCC Review Committee’ agenda as they looked at ways to improve the welfare of all Fijians and Rotuman’s through the work of the GCC.

However, Turaga says it’s still work in progress as more needs to be done before the recommendations are submitted to the cabinet.

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Turaga adds although the cabinet has endorsed the review of the Fisheries and Forestry Act, a number of areas still needs to be looked at.


“At the end of the day the cabinet will make a decision. So once the decision is made, it then becomes a policy of the government. So we started off with this GCC meeting, and the iTaukei Affairs Board has endorsed it. Prior to that there have also been some consultations with key stakeholders and it’s mostly the iTaukei experts groups.”

The GCC Review Committee has five provinces left for consultations.

These consultations must be done before July 31st.