
Bulileka residents raise concerns about water issues

March 13, 2024 6:33 am

Residents of Lowcost and Bulileka outside Labasa have been raising concerns about the continuous low water pressure and unplanned water disruptions they have been facing in the area for more than a decade.

More than 500 Fijians living in the area are impacted by the existing water issues on a daily basis, despite numerous complaints made to relevant authorities.

Businessman Sham Lal says that the water issues in Bulileka and the Lowcost area need urgent work and action by the Water Authority of Fiji.

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“Every day, the water used to be closed. Even during a rainy season, when we complain, they say it’s low pressure. We would understand if it’s a dry season, but still, they say it’s low pressure.”

However, the Water Authority of Fiji has provided a water tank to cater for the continuous water issue in the area, but residents insist and are hoping for concrete solutions because the population continues to increase.

Another resident, Pratima Chand, says that collecting water is now a daily routine, which is really a struggle for ordinary Fijians, and at times they have to be up around 4am to collect water for the day.

Meanwhile, the WAF has confirmed to FBC News that they have been having leakage issues with the reservoir in the past few weeks, which has been fixed, and residents should expect a full water supply soon.