
UTOF pays out $4.9 million in final dividend

January 15, 2024 4:06 pm

The Unit Trust of Fiji has today paid out a total dividend of $4.9 million to its 42,000 account holders, marking another successful financial performance ending on December 31, 2023.

This has been highlighted by the Unit Trust of Fiji Management Limited Chair, Lavinia Kaumaitotoya.

She says the total dividend rate for the last year was 7.00 cents per unit, and the total payout was $9.6 million, which is $4.7 million and $4.9 million for the interim and final dividends, respectively.

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“ To our 60,580 investment account holders, we thank you sincerely for your trust, support, and unwavering commitment, enabling your UTOF team to be relentless in our pursuit of excellence.”

Kaumaitotoya says that it has been a great achievement, especially the diversified investment portfolio across multiple asset classes, which yields substantial returns.

She adds that the highest dividend income contributors for the year are HFC Bank, Fiji Gas, ATH Group, Vision Group, and RB Patel.

“Our full-year financial performance for Unit Trust of Fiji is currently being audited, and we expect the 2023 financials to be released to our investors in March. We will be making similar announcements on the audited total funds under management, total returns, and overall performance for the year ended December 31 2023.”

Kaumaitotoya adds that the payout to individual accounts is expected, while the majority have opted to reinvested back into their accounts.

The Unit Trust of Fiji has paid a total of $60.83 million in dividends to investors in the last 10 years.