
Wong family retains prominence in realm of business

January 16, 2024 11:56 am

After a 15-year hiatus, a Savusavu-based enterprise was able to retain its position in the realm of business through the opportunity offered by the multimillion-dollar development underway on Nawi Island.

Island Sub is a small to medium-sized enterprise, owned by the Wong family who operated the well-known Aunty Lily’s Restaurant in the Hidden Paradise.

It has retained its prominence in the market, offering their unique Fijian style of baking and cooking to both local and overseas visitors.

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Tima Wong says passion has driven the family-run enterprise to grow from strength to strength, despite the challenges encountered over the years.

“So, 2010 we burnt down and from there … we set-up a business at home. We did home baking and we got our customers, they order to us online. So, we bake from home and deliver to them. After 10 years, then we see a place again in Nawi.”

Wong says the opportunity to start afresh has allowed them to see from other perspectives, considering the evolution of the world of business.

“We have to see all the yachters coming in. It has opened our mind, how we roll every day and how we serve them for us locals … to give us courage and a piece of mind that we can open big too like them.”

Although Island Sub currently employs members of their own family, they have plans to offer jobs to other individuals as they expand in the near future.