
President highlights water's crucial role in economic growth

May 21, 2024 4:14 pm

President Ratu Wiliame Katonivere [Source: Fiji Government/ Facebook]

President Ratu Wiliame Katonivere has emphasized the significance of water for economic growth, noting that other industries, particularly agriculture, that utilize about 70 percent of the world’s water, rely predominantly on dependable water sources.

While speaking during the 10th World Water Forum High Level meeting Ratu Wiliame detailed Fiji’s initiative stating that “the Fijian Government is currently finalizing the National Water Resources Management and Sanitation Policy.

He adds that this will ensure the proper management of water resources, water supply, and sanitation services in Fiji where 82% of people currently have access to drinking water services.

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[Source: Fiji Government/ Facebook]

The President says the Fijian Government has a vision of 100 percent access to clean and safe water for all citizens in urban areas and all citizens in rural areas by 2030.

“As we move forward from here, we recognize there is no one-size-fits-all solution but we must start now or the challenge will become increasingly harder to overcome.”

Ratu Wiliame says access to water is critical to sustainable development and livelihoods which is why its responsible management is vital for the shared future, especially in a time of worsening Climate Change.

He adds it is important to recognize that water is not only a resource, it is a shared responsibility.

The Head of State says that collectively, the leaders can secure a future where water remains the lifeblood of our planet and a source of hope and opportunity for all.