
Judicial Tribunal to go through draft constitution

August 20, 2012 7:04 pm

A five-person judicial tribunal will have a final say in determining the draft constitution.

Constitution Commission chair Yash Ghai says in January the Constituent Assembly will be given the draft to consider and debate upon.

The Constituent Assembly will have until the third week of March to adopt the constitution, when it will be submitted to a five-person judicial tribunal.

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This will be headed by the Chief Justice and including at least two foreign judges and will determine whether the constitution complies with the values and principles set out in the Decrees on constitution making.

This includes immunity for the military and the government.

If all is okay the President of Fiji will assent to the constitution.

Meanwhile, Ghai says the commission will try their best to meet the deadline.

However, he adds they do not want to rush public consultations and hearings, which lie at the heart of the process and would seek a short extension if deemed necessary.

But Ghai says they are confident that they will finish their work in good time so that elections can be held in 2014.