
Cybercrime training for police concludes

February 25, 2024 8:00 am

The INTERPOL Global Action on Cybercrime Extended (GLACY+), e-Evidence First Responders Training concluded yesterday.

The aim of this training is to enhance frontline officers with the capacity to understand electronic device features, process data correctly, collect relevant information and maintain data integrity for evidential purposes.

The training was officially closed by the Divisional Prosecuting Officer West, Assistant Superintendent of Police Parmesh Chand at the Nadi Police Station.

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In closing the training, ASP Chand reiterated the importance of electronic evidence, which he says cannot be emphasized enough.

Chand says that with the vast amount of information that is stored electronically, it is crucial that legal professionals are equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively collect and analyse electronic evidence.

ASP Chand acknowledged the training facilitators for the learning opportunity and hopes that the officers will be able to effectively apply their training in their line of work.