
Cabinet approves two new public holidays

February 16, 2023 6:10 am

[File Photo]

Cabinet has approved the inclusion of two new holidays in the revised 2023 public holiday dates while removing Constitution Day.

Ratu Sir Lala Sukuna Day will be celebrated on May 29th, while Girmit Day will be celebrated on May 15th.

Cabinet agreed that the two new public holidays would be recognized through appropriate celebrations by two separate national committees.

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The National Committee for the Girmit Day celebrations will be chaired by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance Professor Biman Prasad, while the National Committee for the Ratu Sukuna Day celebrations will be chaired by the Minister for iTaukei Affairs Ifereimi Vasu.

The revised public holiday dates will be published in the Gazette by the Minister for Employment, Productivity, and Industrial Relations, Agni Deo Singh.

There will now be 11 public holidays in 2023.